Theoretical Predictions of Horizontal and Vertical Frequencies of a Rotating Tire Cavity Resonance Using Two Complementary Models
Theoretical Predictions of Horizontal and Vertical Frequencies of a Rotating Tire Cavity Resonance Using Two Complementary Models

Advanced Experimental Mechanics
Advanced Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 7, 137-141. – Published 10 August 2022; doi:


We propose a theoretical method to predict the vertical and horizontal frequencies of a rotating tire cavity resonance by using two complementary theoretical models and measured tire geometry. The first model predicts the frequencies of the rotating tire from those of a non-rotating tire obtained by modal testing. The second model predicts the frequencies of a non rotating tire using two tire geometries. We predict the frequencies of the rotating tire by substituting those of non-rotating tire by the second model into the first model. We compare the theoretical prediction with numerical simulation to verify the proposed two complementary models in the speed range from 0 km/h to 120 km/h. The horizontal and vertical frequencies of the theoretical prediction agree well with numerical results, within errors of 0.33 Hz and 0.49 Hz, respectively. We also compare its predictions with temperature change to experimental results and are consistent with the results at the speeds of 40 km/h, 50 km./h, and 60 km/h. Therefore, the proposed approach gives the resonance frequencies of a rotating tire by using two complementary models under these conditions.

© Measurement System Laboratory, Kyoto Institute of Technology.